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About Me

Who Am I?

Hi! I'm Ashley Radford. I am a full-stack web developer. I specialize in MERN Stack development (React, Express, Node.js and MongoDB) as well as developing fully responsive websites with HTML, CSS, JS and most front-end framework libraries. I also dabble with CMS like WordPress, WebFlow, and SquareSpace.

"I am a software engineer with a background in kinesiology and exercise science. I have experience in biomechanics, rehabilitation, and nutrition. I am always looking for opportunities to learn, develop and improve new skills. I am passionate about technology and would to combine my interest to build applications that enhances health and mental-health. My goal is to work for a company that produces technologies that improves quality of life or have a positive social impact".

Also a California native, instructor, violinist, animal-lover, gamer enthusiast, comic elitist, pixel art artist and a dinosaurs aficionado.


Web Development

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript/JQuery, Node.js, Sass, Bootstrap, JSON, Material UI, Materialize CSS, Bulma, API Fetch, RESTful web service, CRUD functionality, AJAX.


MongoDB, postgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Firestore, with OOP, data structures, and algorithms


React, Redux, Express.js, npm, EJS, Handlebars, Jade, Flask, Threejs, gsap

Programming Languages

JavaScript, Python.


Visual Studio Code, Heroku, Netlify, Github Pages, CLI, Postman, Git, Github

Cloud Technologies

Firestore Cloud DB


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Professional Experience

UCode - Instructor

             UCode is unique in its focus on building strong computational thinking abilities through teaching coding to students ages 6 to 16. The curriculum was developed in partnership with Cornell University faculty and features assessment tools that measure a student's learning progress. Focusing on Socratic approach that students learn through the use of critical thinking, reasoning and logic.

Scratch Game Development

             Created custom curriculum for beginning and advanced levels for  based of MIT's Scratch Coding. Concepts include main programming concepts, algorithms, beginner and advanced levels for game designing in Scratch.

Python Coding For Kids( I & II )

             Students learn to code in Python while developing computational thinking, logic and creative problem-solving by using an block text editor connected to Lego Mindstorm Eva3 robots. Students code in native python that require analysis and planning  to complete challenges.

App Academy ( HTML/ CSS/ JavaScript)

            Students learn HTML and style web pages with CSS. They also learn how to add special effects with JavaScript. Students are able to make a fully responsive sites on their own. Students then learn Javascript and the use of conditionals logic, functions and parameters to soon create 5 JavaScript game with canvas.

Python Game Development

         Taught basic Python concepts and fundamentals. Students learn to build their own custom game with Python and PyGame library in Replit.

Python Fundamentals

            Students learn basic Python concepts and fundamentals at AP STEM Level. Members are able to complete real-world coding challenges in Python.

Python Advance

            Students learn advanced Python CS-level concepts and manipulate files with command prompts and GitHub commands.

Lets Work Together
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